What makes ACTS different?

Recognizing the need for quality affordable sober houses, ACTS Recovery Homes opened the doors to its first men’s house in December, 2007. Due to the home’s location, we were and still are known as North Austin Sober House. Because the infrastructure and access are ideal for our residents, ACTS Recovery Homes decided to open additional houses in the same area. Located in beautiful North Central Austin, all houses have been renovated and furnished to provide a comfortable family atmosphere for the adult alcoholic/addict in recovery seeking a sober home.

Our goal is to assist those in recovery transition from a group home sober living environment to living a sober life in a traditional home setting. With this goal in mind, everything we do is designed to help the resident develop habits and a sense of personal responsibility that is conducive to a lifestyle of sobriety, personal health, and community.

ACTS Recovery Homes are based on the principals of the 12- Step program.

These include the tenants of the circle and the triangle:

1 ) Unity- Meetings and fellowship

2 ) Service- Working with others

3 ) Recovery- Working of the steps

While each of these aspects is an important part of the process, as sober homes our emphasis is on recovery. Recovery is a lifestyle commitment that is reflected in day to day activities and in relationships with others. Oftentimes, a person’s behavior is indicative of the type of program he or she is working. As such, each resident is expected to have the guidance of an approved sponsor and to be actively working the steps. It is important for each resident to have a sponsor that will move one quickly through the steps. It has been our experience that if an alcoholic /addict works all twelve steps and begins to sponsor others within the first three months, the incidence of relapse is greatly diminished.

We are strong advocates of solution based meetings and encourage each resident to commit to a 12-Step home group. Alcoholics/ Addicts serious about recovery will greatly benefit from the added accountability of being involved with a home group and participating in the monthly group conscious meeting. Attending meetings helps keep one grounded in the step-work as well as provides an opportunity for networking.

Finally, we encourage all residents to make a solid service commitment. Service comes in many forms and volunteer opportunities abound throughout the city. Helping at 12-step meetings by working the coffee bar, setting up the room, or cleaning up after meetings are just a few examples of service. Giving back to the community in general and the recovery community in particular is a fulfilling and important aspect in the journey to a healthy life.

Who is Mike Archer?

Sober Living

The more you know, the more you understand, the more you can grow and heal in order to stay sober.

Sober Living after Rehab

Relapse Prevention

What is Life Like in a Sober Home?

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ACTS Recovery Homes / North Austin Sober Homes

Call us at 512-497-2147

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